Cheerful and happy Ene! :D |
A very irritated Ene from Summer Anthology. She wants to go to the beach but Shintaro won't go so she makes this face. ;w; |
A rather annoyed Ene from Summer Anthology. She wanted to go to the pool with everyone else but Shintaro left her at the hideout! D: | |
I'm really obsessed with KagePro so I've been drawing a lot more KagePro recently.
I haven't posted in forever due to drawing so much, sorry. ^^''
But I'm back with a TON of KagePro drawings! ^o^
I'll try to be more active on here from now on.
Also despite most people hating Ene's annoying personality, I have never ONCE found Ene annoying. XD
She IS my favorite character, after all! X3
Also, the anthology chapters are usually either REALLY funny, sweet or sad so I highly recommend them.
It's also nice seeing a lot of different artists draw KagePro characters in different styles in the anthologies~
Well, see you next post! ^^